Herbal Recipe

Chickweed Glycerite

Chickweed infused into vegetable glycerin provides the concentration of herbal constituents in a portable and convenient form.

Chickweed infused into vegetable glycerin provides the concentration of herbal constituents in a portable and convenient form.


Chickweed is a demulcent, meaning it soothes and protects mucous membranes. As a glycerite, it’s particular effective for supporting the digestive system, kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, throat, and bowels. It is useful for relieving sore throat, treating ulcers in the stomach or small intestine, an relieving constipation. Its anti-inflammatory properties ease arthritis, joint and muscle pain.1

Vegetable Glycerine

Vegetable glycerine is a clear, syrup liquid that has a sweet taste and no odor. It is used to make alcohol-free extracts as an alternative to tinctures that are commonly made with an alcohol base. While glycerine is not as strong a solvent as alcohol, it still has the ability to extract some types of constituents from herbs. Glycerites are great for people who are sensitive to alcohol or wish not to consume it but can be used by anyone.2

Glycerine is sweet but does not adversely affect people with diabetes, especially in the amounts taken for the average glycerite.3
