Little Green Library

The little green library is a project focused on getting herbs and herbal knowledge out into the community while also encouraging reading literacy and curiosity. The little green library is part of the Little Free Library book exchange program but expands it to include plants and herbs. 

Our library is located on the southwest side of town at the corner of Oxford Rd. and Essex Drive, in the neighborhood not far from SAIL Highschool and the Palmer Munroe Teen Center.

The library is a small outdoor cabinet full of books and zines, a bench for folks to sit on, and a plant shelf where we put potted plants and herbs. The books, zines, and plants are all free for the taking by anyone who needs them. We also encourage people to leave books and plants for others.

Books and Zines

All kinds of books can be found in the library but we try to make sure there are always some about gardening, cooking, herbs, mutual aid, and social justice. The library is also stocked with zines on a variety of subjects including zines made by Weeds and Deeds that focus on local herbs, herbal medicine, and gardening. Zines are do-it-yourself magazines that can be easily copied and shared. 

Plants and Seeds

Nature is abundant and we often find ourselves with more plants and seeds than we could possibly use. The little green library is a way for us to share these plants with the community! Pots with seedlings and small plants are regularly left out for folks who need them. Zines are also available with information about the plants we regularly share.

Contact us on Facebook, Instagram, or by email if you’re interested in sharing books, pots, seeds or plants for our little green library.