This small sprawling tree has large tropical looking leaves that make it popular as a landscaping tree in beach communities. The fruits and leaves are edible and have a number of medicinal properties.
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These are in-depth profiles of individual plants. Each profile includes detailed information on how the plant can be used medicinally along with identification, foraging, cultivation and safety information.
This small sprawling tree has large tropical looking leaves that make it popular as a landscaping tree in beach communities. The fruits and leaves are edible and have a number of medicinal properties.
Read MoreA daisy-like salt marsh flower that is common to Florida beaches.
Read MoreA common wildflower that grows in fields and lawns across the Southeast, Shepherd’s Needles has a wealth of medicinal and food value.
Read MoreA striking and easily identifiable plant that grows throughout North Florida. Spiderwort blooms throughout the Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Read MoreThese small shade-loving plants cover our forest floors in spring and autumn. One of the first flowers of the season, violets have a lot to offer pollinators. As a medicinal herb used for thousands of years, they have a lot to offer us too.
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