Herb Plant Profile

American Beautyberry

A beautiful native plant that propagates easily and has numerous beneficial uses for humans and animals alike.

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Herb Plant Profile

Goat’s Foot

A common tropical creeping vine that grows on the sandy parts of beaches, goat’s foot is salt tolerant and propagates naturally by ocean dispersal (reproduces by sending its seeds, sea beans, floating out by ocean currents).

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Herb Plant Profile


Pine trees are a common tree with a host of medicinal and utilitarian uses. There are seven varieties of pine native to Florida and countless more introduced varieties.

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Herb Plant Profile


This aromatic evergreen shrub is currently being researched for its potential benefits to alleviate complications caused by obesity and diabetes, inflammation-associated conditions, and neurological deficits.

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Herb Plant Profile

Sea Grape

This small sprawling tree has large tropical looking leaves that make it popular as a landscaping tree in beach communities. The fruits and leaves are edible and have a number of medicinal properties.

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