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A striking and easily identifiable plant that grows throughout North Florida. Spiderwort blooms throughout the Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Heart and Mind Glycerite
A simple glycerite to support the memory, promote alertness and reduce anxiety during heightened stress.
Chickweed Glycerite
Chickweed infused into vegetable glycerin provides the concentration of herbal constituents in a portable and convenient form.
Fire Cider
Fire cider helps warm up the body, stimulates the immune system, and fights bacteria and viruses common during cold and flu season.
Pine trees are a common tree with a host of medicinal and utilitarian uses. There are seven varieties of pine native to Florida and countless more introduced varieties.
Mexican Mint
A hardy, ubiquitous, and easy to grow evergreen plant that is good for the garden, kitchen, and apothecary.
This small plant is a troublesome and prolific weed for gardeners but has a host of health benefits and has been used by indeginous people and in Traditional Chinese Medicine for generations.
“Superfood” Fads Harm People & Communities: Drumstick Tree (Moringa)
Making nutritional and medicinal plants a commodity by selling them instead of eating them has a negative impact, particularly on already struggling populations.